U.S. federal law strictly prohibits the sale of counterfeit currency and stamps, and equipment designed to make these illegal products. These laws ban not only counterfeit paper money, but also counterfeit coins, bank notes, bonds, money orders and other securities. U.S. law also protects foreign currency and stamps from counterfeiters. Therefore, these counterfeit items may not be listed on Details.at. A few examples of the actual U.S. counterfeiting laws can be found below:
general counterfeit securities
What about replica coins for collectors? This area is also regulated by U.S. federal law, which Details.at insists that its users follow. Any "reproduction," "replica" or "copy" coin (U.S. or foreign) must be plainly and permanently marked with the word COPY. This law, part of the Hobby Protection Act, protects collectors against fraud or confusion. If you're listing items in this area, protect yourself by reading the act and associated regulations: